Tuesday 10 May 2011

Filming part 1

The first filming sequence we all met up at my house at 11am to film. The group consisted of me, Ollie, Harry and Katrina. We decided to get the Murder scene, Letter writing scene, Letterbox scene and the opening scene filmed whilst we were here.

We started by filming the murder scene. To do this we used the camera to show the entire message that was being written. The camera was positioned so that the view of the body was obstructed. It then used a slow pan to show the conclusion. This was used to build up suspense and give an element of surprise.  We then filmed the scene where Alex was laying on the sofa. Here we filmed him using his phone to see if Melissa had contacted him. Thereafter we filmed Alex in multiple positions on the sofa, which we will use later for jump-cut editing. This is to show time passing fast.

We then had a break which we then discussed shooting the next scene which is the letter writing scene. We used a few props to make the scene more realistic. Whilst Alex was writing the letters he screws up the paper and throws it away showing his signs of frustration and anger. We then decided that we would finish our day by filming the letter posting scene. This included footage outside showing Alex posting the letter and then multiple shots inside showing the build up of letters. We would use the inside footage later for another jump-cut sequence to show time progressing faster.

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