Tuesday 3 May 2011

Short Film- Chicken a la carte

This film is beautifully done and captures the real essence of what it is like for a starving family to actually gain food, even if it is some ones thrown away left-overs. The producer wanted to show the reality of what it is like for people who struggle to get food and provide for their family. It seems that the target audience would be adults due to its message it’s trying to send. I believe this would be rated a PG as there are some upsetting scenes within the film and it does not come to a happy resolution.  I believe this film would be shown in a film festival due to the nature of the film and the message it is trying to give. Also it shows the real talent of the director showing his ability to catch the raw emotions in such a creative manor. The key characters in this film are the underprivileged family. They really give the film the emotion it needs. The chicken runner who takes the food from the bin sets the story. Once he returns back to his home the look of excitement on everyone’s face just makes you feel overwhelmed. The shots that show all the children diving into the bin really are gripping. The restaurant sets the scene and is obviously necessary for the whole story to make sense. The final scenes showing the slum just sets the mood perfectly, the decaying area really shows that the families living there are not in a very good state. The soundtrack used at he end of the film was very moving and exceptionally sad. It just adds to the emotions already coming from the camera work. 

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